Fix SVG optimization

The plugin cannot optimize SVG file (It broke them) so please fix this or at least bypass unsupported files when bulk optimize 


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Syed, 7 months ago
Hey Jacopo,

We were able to replicate the issue and released a fix in the version 2.2.1

The plugin now skips the SVGs and the GIFs

Thanks for bringing this to our notice.
Jacopo Giorgini, 7 months ago
hi, the svg files are broken after compression and i see this error on files
"This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 1: Start tag expected, '<' not founderror on line 1 at column 1: Encoding error
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error."

live page:
Syed, 7 months ago
Hey misterjak93,

If you are talking about Image compression, then it does compress SVG files although we can add a feature where the conversion to WebP can be regulated.

Can you please share a screencast of the issue you are facing?
7 months ago, Jacopo Giorgini