15 Jun, 2024
Feature Enhancements

Image Compression Percentage Display

Feature Update: Enhanced Transparency with Image Compression Percentage

We're pleased to introduce a highly requested feature to Content Boom: the Image Compression Percentage display. This new enhancement brings transparency and clarity to our image optimization process, allowing users to see exactly how much their images have been compressed.

What’s New?

  • Compression Insights: Now, whenever you use Content Boom's image compression feature, you can immediately see the percentage by which each image has been compressed. This information is readily available on the Image Compression page.
  • User Empowerment: Understanding the extent of compression not only provides insights into how much you are optimizing your website's load times but also helps in maintaining image quality standards.
  • Always Accessible: Users can access these details anytime on the Image Compression page, making it easy to keep track of optimizations and make informed decisions about image management.

Why It Matters:

Before this update, users had no visual confirmation of how their images were being processed, which could lead to uncertainties about the effectiveness of the compression. By displaying the compression percentage, Content Boom empowers users with clear, actionable data, enhancing trust and satisfaction in the tool.

This feature is particularly valuable for photographers, e-commerce sites, and any content-heavy sites that rely on high-quality visuals. Knowing the exact compression rates helps maintain a balance between optimal site performance and visual fidelity.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance Content Boom based on your feedback. Our goal is to make it the most user-friendly and effective content management tool on the market.

Check out the new Image Compression Percentage feature on Content Boom and take control of your site's image optimization like never before!